Sorting records

Records may be sorted into an order different from the underlying data by selecting Sort records from the Edit menu and specifying up to three levels of sorting in the Sort records dialog.

AnyLabels image37 43 Sorting records


The dialog displays drop down lists displaying either ——— (which means no sorting) or the fieldnames available. Selecting a fieldname from the dropdown list and pushing the OK button will cause the records displayed (or printed) by AnyLabels to be arranged in the order based on the selected field. By default the order is Ascending. To sort into Descending order check the Descending checkbox before pushing the OK button.

Records may be sorted on up to three fields by selecting fieldnames from the second and third drop-down lists.

Note that sorting is applied to the currently filtered records, so changing filtering criteria will return the sort order to that of the underlying data. Record order may also be returned to that of the underlying data by pushing the Remove sorting push button.


Sorting records