Shape element properties

A wide variety of shaped elements may be placed on a label, and the colour, texture and outline of both foreground and background components of a shape element may be selected using the Shape properties dialog.

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Selecting the Shape button in either the foreground or background sections allows the user to select one of the built in shapes from the Shape pallet:

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Selecting the Colour button displays the standard Color dialog that allows the shapes display colour to be selected. The shape may also be created using either a Hatch or a Texture paintbrush. Pushing the Hatching button allows the style of hatching to be selected from the Hatchstyle pallet.

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The colour used for the hatching is the colour selected for the shape; the second colour (ie. the hatch background) may be chosen by pushing the Hatch colour button.

Shapes may also be drawn using a brush made from a small bitmap. Pushing the Bitmap button allows the user to load a graphic file or paste an image into the preview box:

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On accepting the image by pushing the OK button the Shape previe box display the current shape using a paintbrush made from the specified image.

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The outline of a shape may be drawn with a line thickness specified in the Outline pen edit box (using the units displayed in the Units box), and the line style may be selected from the drop-down style list. The outline clour may be selected by pushing the Colour button in the Outline pen section.


For example:

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Shape element properties