Modifying AnyLabels databases

AnyLabels databases may have their fieldnames modified, and the actual database file may be copied to another location or given a new name. Before attempting any such modifications it is essential that a backup of the current template and its associated database is made.

Selecting Data Source on the Edit menu when a template using an AnyLabels database is open causes the AnyLabels database dialog box to be displayed. The current database filename is displayed in an edit box. To change the name or location of the database the changes may be typed directly into the box, or the Browse button pushed to browse a suitable location. When the Save button at the bottom of the dialog is pushed the current database will be saved to the new location (leaving the original database unchanged).

AnyLabels image37 40 Modifying AnyLabels databases


Similarly field names may be changed or additional fields added by editing the list of fieldnames displayed. If any formulae used in the template contain fieldnames that are modified in this way then the formulae will require modification using either manually or using the Synthesiser Wizard.

Note that fields cannot be removed from the database by deleting a fieldname.


Modifying AnyLabels databases