Function: “Format date”;
Symbol in formulae “FdaT”;
Number of parameters 2;
Parameter 1 may be Today or one of the above date functions.
Parameter 2 may be blank or a formatting string containing any of the following:
d = day of the month as 1 or 2 digits (eg. 2)
dd = day of the month as 2 digits (eg. 02)
ddd = day in short text form (eg. Fri)
dddd = day in long text form (eg. Friday)
MM = month as 2 digits (eg 04)
MMM = month in short text form (eg Apr)
MMMM = month in long test form (eg April)
yy = last two digits of year (eg 10)
yyyy = 4 digit year (eg. 2010)
hh = hour of day as 2 digits
mm = minutes of the hour as 2 digits
ss = seconds of the minute as 2 digits
Additional characters may be included as separators. For example, dd/MM/yyyy would produce a date as 21/04/2101.