
Copy record: The text version of all data in the first matching record is copied to the Windows clipboard.

Copy field: The text version of the data in the field selected as the Target field of the first matching record is copied to the Windows clipboard

Display record: The first matching record is displayed on screen.

Print record: The first matching record is displayed on screen and printed on the current printer.

Select record: The first matching record is marked as selected and displayed. Once any records are marked as selected then the display shows only the selected records and selecting Print from the File menu will pring only those records. The display may be returned to showning the full range of record by selecting the Clear selection item on the records database.

For AnyLabels databases the following Actions are also available:

Date/time stamp in field: The first matching record has the current date/time value entered into the field selected as the Target field.

Add value to target field: The first matching record has the value shown in the Action value box added to the value currently in the field selected as the Target field. (the Action value may be negative).

If the Action value is not a number then the Action value text is appended to the target field

Add record – barcode in target field: A new record is added to the database and the scanned data is placed into the field selected as the Target field. (The search field is ignored.)

Add record –prompt for data: A new record is added to the database and the scanned data is placed into the field selected as the Target field. (The search field is ignored.) The Add Record form is then displayed allowing data to be entered for other fields.

The form may be filled in manually – or it may be filled in by scanning, say, a 2D barcode containing all the required data. To assist in this a checkbox is included in the form which allows the carriage return character at the end of the 2D barcode scan to be ignored – so that the user has the opportunity to look at the data before the form is closed.

